Sunshine chick peas n ‘ rice
Boil rice as directed. Chop up asparagus and carrots and add to rice while it is cooking. Add a can of chick peas to the pot and boil until rice…
Boil rice as directed. Chop up asparagus and carrots and add to rice while it is cooking. Add a can of chick peas to the pot and boil until rice…
Boil pasta (thin noodles work great); drain udner cold water; add a drop of soy sauce and sesame oil; place in a bowl (1/2 or even 1/3 of bowl is pasta)…
Boil 2 cups of quinoa per instructions; add finely chopped broccoli and cauliflower half way so they can steam also. Season with salt, pepper, cumin, parsley fresh green onion (grated cheese/sour cream/chopped…
Tomatoes/ asparagus/ strawberries - raw for lunch One lettuce, green onions,radishes,some asparagus,some strawberries,all the kale,1/3 spinach,some chard, 4 dates- dinner salad 2/3 spinach, chard, onions, broccoli, cauliflower-steamed and then…
Finely chopped up broccoli- 1 or 2 eggs- bread crumbs- feta (any other soft cheese) cheese-some oil Mix all, make patties with your wet hands, bake 400F for 15min,flip and…
Cucumber- cut for school, divided between 2 kids Broccoli and cauliflower- dry pan to use over pasta later in the week Dinner- salad (one of many lettuces +1/2 of kale +1/2…
Asparagus is a very versatile veggie. You can grill it, put it into soups (cold or warm), use in frittata/omlets or eat it raw. The super fresh and crunchy bunches…
Seasonings that we buy at the store can contain MSG and other known and unknown additives, along with tons of salt. A quick way to prepare your own with…
Boil any grains/oats you have (steel cut oats; quinoa, farro shown above) Add milk, sorghum molasses (think of it as honey/syrup), raisins, fresh fruit, sunflower / pepita/ chia seeds, nuts,…