Sunshine chick peas n ‘ rice

Boil rice as directed. Chop up asparagus and carrots and add to rice while it is cooking. Add a can of chick peas to the pot and boil until rice…

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Snap peas and sesame seeds pasta bowl

Boil pasta (thin noodles work great); drain udner cold water; add a drop of soy sauce and sesame oil; place in a bowl (1/2 or even 1/3 of bowl is pasta)…

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On Greens

All you need to do is blanch the greens according to type. The first time I made it I use chard, spinach, and lettuce. First wash the greens and spin…

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Home made “P.F.Chang’s” quinoa lettuce wraps dinner entree

Boil 2 cups of quinoa per instructions; add  finely chopped broccoli and cauliflower half way so they can steam also. Season with salt, pepper, cumin, parsley fresh green onion (grated cheese/sour cream/chopped…

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How to – May 27th 2014 box

   Tomatoes/ asparagus/ strawberries - raw for lunch One lettuce, green onions,radishes,some asparagus,some strawberries,all the kale,1/3 spinach,some chard, 4 dates- dinner salad 2/3 spinach, chard, onions, broccoli, cauliflower-steamed and then…

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Best broccoli patties (5min prep time)

Finely chopped up broccoli- 1 or 2 eggs- bread crumbs- feta  (any other soft cheese) cheese-some oil Mix all, make patties with your wet hands, bake 400F for 15min,flip and…

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May 21 Box- what to do with all the greens?

Cucumber- cut for school, divided between 2 kids Broccoli and cauliflower- dry pan to use over pasta later in the week Dinner- salad (one of many lettuces +1/2 of kale +1/2…

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Fresh asparagus..m-m-m good!

  Asparagus is a very versatile veggie. You can grill it, put it into soups (cold or warm), use in frittata/omlets or eat it raw. The super fresh and crunchy bunches…

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On Seasoning

  Seasonings that we buy at the store can contain MSG and other known and unknown additives, along with tons of salt. A quick way to prepare your own with…

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Breakfast cereal with FRF molasses

Boil any grains/oats you have (steel cut oats; quinoa, farro shown above) Add milk, sorghum molasses (think of it as honey/syrup), raisins, fresh fruit, sunflower / pepita/ chia seeds, nuts,…

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