Mozzarella w/ eggplant, tomatoes, and peppers

1 eggplant
2 tomatoes
4 baked and peeled peppers
1 tsp chopped parsley
Finely chopped garlic, olive oil, salt, and apple cider vinegar to taste

1. Wash the eggplant, cut off the remaining part of the stem. Using a fork, make a few holes in the eggplant, lay it on a microwave safe plate and microwave it for 4-6 minutes. Give the eggplant a minute to cool down a bit, cut it open, scrape out the inside and put it in a deep dish.

2. Dice the peppers and he tomatoes. Add them to the eggplant.

3. Add the garlic, olive oil, salt, and vinegar. Mix well and put a scoop on top of a slice of mozzarella.

Recipe and pic courtesy of CSA friend Fairy Godmother