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Late May Stir Fry

My go to stir fry.I make this all year long and it’s always different depending on season and what’s in fridge and freezer and the farm box.This stir fry is done in one pot and ingredients are added in stages depending on cooking time.
3 small carrots1 med onion chopped3-4 minced garlic cloves1 large stalk of celerySome dark green leaves from the green onionsHalf the arugulaSeveral leaves of green lettuceSome romaine leavesThe radish topsSome frozen peas and frozen green beansSliced mushroomsRed, yellow, orange and green peppers. I keep them in the freezer all year long. I do have to keep the hot ones in a separate freezer bag.
I used Quorn meatless chicken chunks and an orange ginger sweet and sour sauce I found at Aldi.
As  the season progresses the stir fry will contain cucumber, zukes, yellow squash, broccoli, cauliflower anything you have on hand Sauce can vary too, soy, hoison, etc. Tonight I made a pot of rice but this is good over pasta or noodles. Mashed, fried, baked taters.
How to stir fry:I usually use olive oil but any oil works.Start with the produce that takes the longest to cook which is onions. Add garlic then add celery, mushrooms, green beans, etc. Ending up with the dark green part of the onions and the leafy greens.
I cut up the meatless chicken pieces and marinated them in the sauce then added after onions and mushrooms. Once everything is cooked I added salt, pepper and tumeric and then poured on some the sweet and sour sauce.
You can prepare this multiple ways. I have added sesame seeds, unsalted cashews, tofu, whatever I have on hand.