Read more about the article Sweet Potato Pancakes with Huckleberry Jam & Greek Yogurt
Weekend brunch

Sweet Potato Pancakes with Huckleberry Jam & Greek Yogurt

Here is a recipe for a wonderful weekend brunch with Fair Ridge Farms' CSA produce.  Serve sweet potato pancakes with homemade garden huckleberry jam and unsweetened Greek yogurt. Delicious! Garden…

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Read more about the article Garden Huckleberries
Garden Huckleberries

Garden Huckleberries

In this week's box you found huckleberries, a fruit that is actually more related to tomatoes and eggplants than to blueberries and raspberries. There are a variety of wild blueberries…


Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. One sweet potato provides an abundance of vitamin A, as well as a host of other vitamins and minerals.…

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Baked Pasta with Fresh Vegetables & Cheese

This is a very easy weeknight dinner and a great way to incorporate more vegetables into your family's mealtime.The basic ingredients are cheese, pasta, vegetables, tomatoes for sauce, and olive…

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Mushroom-stuffed Delicata Squash with Braised Swiss Chard

We are moving into the autumn harvest, which means heartier root crops such as winter squash and sweet potatoes, and greens such as chard and kale. For the next few…

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Read more about the article Roasted Corn & Vegetable Chowder
Roasted corn chowder

Roasted Corn & Vegetable Chowder

This is a delicious corn chowder, perfect for the cooler autumn temperatures. Start with roasting your corn. You can put the ears with the husk on strait into the oven.…

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Spontaneous Hard Cider

SPONTANEOUS CIDER You can easily make hard cider from your gallon or half gallon of Fair Ridge Farms' organic apple cider. The following is taken from Sandor Katz's Wild Fermentation:…

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Read more about the article Curried Chickpeas and Tomatoes
Curried Chickpeas and Tomatoes

Curried Chickpeas and Tomatoes

This is a very simple, delicious  vegetarian dish that is easy to prepare. Serves 4-5. Ingredients: 2 tbs olive or coconut oil 1/2 onion, diced 2 peppers, diced 1 jalapeno…

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Read more about the article Easy Roasted Vegetable Salsa
roasted vegetable salsa

Easy Roasted Vegetable Salsa

Roasting the veggies for this salsa really brings out the flavor. Try this salsa with many dishes, such as over grilled fish or on baked potatoes. Ingredients: 1 diced pepper--bell,…

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