How to..(Nov 19)

All greens but the spinach-clean, chop and steam (all I was left with is in the pot shown above). I plan to use ½ for quinoa and kale patties (recipe…

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October 29, Fullshare 2013

Huckleberries, tomatoes, roma tomatoes, broccoli, lacinato kale, lettuce, cabbage, red beets, turnips, mustard greens, butternut squash, spaghetti squash

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October 22, Fullshare 2013

lacinato kale, winterbor kale, radish bunch, tomatoes, mustard greens, yellow marconi peppers,bunch red beets, lettuce, zuchini, pear, sweet potatoes, eggplant, red bell peppers, acorn squash, potatoes

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