Easy Frittata

2 cups chopped veggies 2 cups protein 10 eggs Preheat oven to 350 F. Whisk eggs. Add veggies and protein. Stir and pour into 9 inch square baking dish. Bake…

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Greens n’ beans soup

Beets greens (remove stems,cut in 1 inch pieces,wash) Chard greens (remove stems,cut in 1 inch pieces,wash) 1 Onion diced 1 carrot diced Beans (2 cans) Oil/ salt / cumin /…

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Chard and broccoli chicken rice

4 leaves of chard, cut up 1 head of chopped broccoli 2 sliced carrots 2 cups brown rice 1 can chicken (fresh is preferred) 1 tomato, diced salt, pepper, cilantro…

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Chard and Spinach Salad with Chicken

One bunch Swiss chard (4 leaves) Two generous handfuls of fresh spinach 3-4 red cherry tomatoes 1 grilled chicken breast 1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese Oregano, apple cider vinegar, and…

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Super healthy smoothie

1 apple 1 orange 1 cup organic baby spinach 1/2 lemon- just theĀ juice 5 leaves Swiss/ rainbow chards, no stems 3 leaves kale, no stems 1/4 cucumber 1 strawberry for…

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