Read more about the article Kimchi
Cabbage kimchi on the day it was packed.


Being a member of a CSA or growing one's own food raises the question of how to begin to preserve fresh produce. One method of preservation is fermentation. There are…

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Corn and Black Bean Salad

The staples of this recipe are grilled corn, black beans, cilantro, and lime. Beyond those ingredients, you can add any vegetables--grilled or raw--of your choice. The salad keeps well for…

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Read more about the article Salad Days: Quinoa Rainbow Vegetable Salad
Quinoa Rainbow Vegetable Salad

Salad Days: Quinoa Rainbow Vegetable Salad

Given how hot and muggy the last few days have been, it is little wonder that not many of us want to spend our evenings over a hot stove. Instead,…

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Cabbage and chick peas stew

Cut up a head of cabbage and cook with some water, red pepper, chopped garlic; when almost cooked add a can of chick peas (beans/ lentils). The dish can be…

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October 29, Fullshare 2013

Huckleberries, tomatoes, roma tomatoes, broccoli, lacinato kale, lettuce, cabbage, red beets, turnips, mustard greens, butternut squash, spaghetti squash

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Cabbage,corn,cucumber salad

Cabbage (one head) Corn (one) Cucumbers (1 large or 2-3 of the small ones) Cheese / Chia seeds Dill Cut up cabbage; sprinkle with salt and massage the cabbage with…

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Your ordinary cabbage salad, with a … sprout

2 baby cabbages, shredded 5 Campari tomatoes ½ cup mixed sprouts (I used Mung bean and Spelt) 1 tbsp. spring onion,chopped 1 tbsp. parsley, chopped Olive oil, vinegar, and Himalayan…

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June 11, 2013 fullshare

cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, snow pea, tomato, yellow squash, pink turnips, zucchini, strawberries, kale, garlic scrapes, swiss chard, collards, green onions, carrots

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