Spinach Broccoli Pastries
These delicious pastries are a bit of a hybrid: one part quiche, one part spanakopita, and one part savory muffin. What they are, though, is delicious and easy to make,…
These delicious pastries are a bit of a hybrid: one part quiche, one part spanakopita, and one part savory muffin. What they are, though, is delicious and easy to make,…
The season and the abundance of lettuce, kale, spinach and other greens call for salads. This week's food blog features a kale and broccoli salad and a vinaigrette and two…
Boil rice as directed. Chop up asparagus and carrots and add to rice while it is cooking. Add a can of chick peas to the pot and boil until rice…
Boil pasta (thin noodles work great); drain udner cold water; add a drop of soy sauce and sesame oil; place in a bowl (1/2 or even 1/3 of bowl is pasta)…
Tomatoes/ asparagus/ strawberries - raw for lunch One lettuce, green onions,radishes,some asparagus,some strawberries,all the kale,1/3 spinach,some chard, 4 dates- dinner salad 2/3 spinach, chard, onions, broccoli, cauliflower-steamed and then…
huckleberries, hakurei turnips, purple-top turnips, radish, white cauliflower, kale, sweet potatoes, roma tomatoes, boc choi, broccoli, big beef tomatoes, butternut squash, acorn squash, spaghetti squash, mustard, yellow cauliflower, kennebec potatoes
Huckleberries, tomatoes, roma tomatoes, broccoli, lacinato kale, lettuce, cabbage, red beets, turnips, mustard greens, butternut squash, spaghetti squash
Cabbage- chopped up and baked w onions/garlic/spices Red beets- leafs I cooked with all other greens ; boiled the root to use for salad later (keeps in fridge well for…
cauliflower, pac choi, lettuce, radish, colored bell peppers, lacinato kale, zuchini, broccoli, chard, tomatoes, arugula, potatoes, spaghetti squash
I washed, cut up and froze all the greens to make a quiche later in the year Eggplant; 2/3 of peppers, broccoli, 2 onions, all squash with some sesame oil,…