Sauteed beet greens (baby approved!)

Kathy said "14-month-old grandson loved the saute beet greens my son made so I thought it must be good if a baby loved it. I am sure you can use…

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Purple dip (beets)

2-3 beets cooked ; chopped walnuts; mayo; salt; galic Wash beets very well; boil for 20-30min until you can poke with a fork; let cool,remove skin (you can usually peel it…

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Red Beet Pancakes

 I cannot take credit for this recipe, but it can be found on Weelicious's blog at . I did not have any greek yogurt on hand when I made…

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Pink Smoothie

1 cup water 2 cups orange juice 2 tsp. ginger 1/4 in. of vanilla bean 1 small raw beet 1-2 raw broccoli florets 1 large carrot Recipe courtesy of CSA…

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Beet Risotto

3 C. chicken or vege stock 1 I/2 C. raw diced beets 4 Tbsp. butter 1 large shallot, diced 1/3 C. grated Parmesan 3/4 C. Arborio rice salt and pepper…

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