Clean and Fresh Beet/Blueberry Smoothie

Ingredients:1 beet1/2 cup blueberries1/3 cup vanilla Greek yogurt 1 tbsp of natural peanut butter4-6 ice cubes Splash oat milk Dash of ground cinnamon  Steps:- Peel and slice beet- Blend beet, ice, oat milk…

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Napa cabbage with lentils and beets’ greens

Cut up napa cabbage and the green leafs of the beets (remove hard stems);sauté with oil,salt,3-4 chopped cloves of garlic. It will reduce greatly in size. Add orange lentils and…

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Roasted beets

Wash the beets; place on a baking sheet and bake (425F for about 1h); let cool, then peel with your fingers; slice or Peel the beets, cut up in thin…

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Pink Smoothie

1 cup water 2 cups orange juice 2 tsp. ginger 1/4 in. of vanilla bean 1 small raw beet 1-2 raw broccoli florets 1 large carrot Recipe courtesy of CSA…

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