Corn and Black Bean Salad

The staples of this recipe are grilled corn, black beans, cilantro, and lime. Beyond those ingredients, you can add any vegetables--grilled or raw--of your choice. The salad keeps well for…

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Handling/Storing produce during wet weather

Hello Locavores, It has been very wet and is currently raining. We have no choice sometimes but to pick your produce in the rain, and then pack it and deliver…

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Read more about the article Salad Days: Quinoa Rainbow Vegetable Salad
Quinoa Rainbow Vegetable Salad

Salad Days: Quinoa Rainbow Vegetable Salad

Given how hot and muggy the last few days have been, it is little wonder that not many of us want to spend our evenings over a hot stove. Instead,…

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July 16th Fullshare

FULLSHARE                                 HALFSHARE               MINISHARE Scarlet Kale        …

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Read more about the article Kale Beet Salad
Kale Beet Salad

Kale Beet Salad

This delicious recipe is courtesy of our CSA member, Anna.  Kale Beet Salad (made one huge serving good for a complete lunch for 1 person) all the kale from last…

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Parmesan Green Beans and Kale

This recipe is from our CSA member, Kathy, who says this is going to be one of her favorite green bean recipes. She also mentions that you could try to…

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Read more about the article Mediterranean Rice Salad & Grilled Eggplant
Grilled Eggplant & Rice Salad

Mediterranean Rice Salad & Grilled Eggplant

This week's full share features the first eggplant of the year, as well as an abundance of summer veggies: sweet banana peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and more, many of which…

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