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Zucchini Pancakes

Late summer is high zucchini season, as  CSA members may have noticed. The smaller zucchini that we place in the CSA boxes are more flavorful than larger zucchini, and perfect for this zucchini pancake recipe. The recipe calls for shredded zucchini. You can shred zucchini and freeze it as-is for use at a later date.  These pancakes include a little pumpkin spice seasoning, perfect for the coming fall days. Serve with Fair Ridge Farms maple syrup and sliced apples. These pancakes are a great way to get a serving of vegetables into your family’s breakfast. fullsizerenderdd

Zucchini Pancakes, serves about 4


1 1/4 cup flour (I used white whole wheat flour or a mixture of white and whole wheat flower might work best)

2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp pumpkin pie spice blend

1/4 tsp salt

2 eggs

1 cup plus 2 tbs milk

2 tbs melted butter

2 tbs sugar

1 tsp vanilla

2 cups shredded zucchini


Mix together dry ingredients and then stir in wet ingredients through vanilla. Then, stir in zucchini. Heat skillet or griddle to medium heat, and melt some butter or oil on the hot surface. Turn out 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake . Cook on one side until bubbly, then flip and cook for 1-2 minutes more. Enjoy!