Third Meal from one Halfshare Post author:Adam Batson Post published:June 1, 2020 Post category:RECIPES Third meal out of this week’s box. Salad from lettuce and spaghetti covered with sauteed veggies including, asparagus stalks and spinach.I made this up as I was preparing it.Used some of the dark green bottoms of leeks, sliced, 3 cloves of garlic minced, some mushrooms, and the asparagus stalks. Large stalks were peeled and then all the stalks were cut into about quarter inch rounds. Heated olive oil, I always use organic extra virgin, in pan. Since this is the “sauce” for your spaghetti you want to be liberal with the oil but don’t overdo. I sauteed the leek greens, garlic and mushrooms until tender. Then added two bunches of spinach torn into small pieces. Added salt and pepper to taste and about a quarter cup red wine. Spinach wilts fast and it’s ready to serve over the spaghetti. It’s the freshly grated parmesan that pulls all the flavors together. My husband had real meatballs and I had the veggie variety. He said it tasted like eating at Panera’s. It was tasty and there’s enough for another meal.I always make extra pasta and save some pasta water for storage to keep pasta moist.FYI, you’ll find mushrooms in almost all my recipes. Mostly because we are very fond of them but also because they are a good source of vitamin D. In addition, if you put the mushrooms in sunlight for a few hours they absorb more vitamin D. I put them in a sunny window every time I use a layer which is almost daily. Also, onions and garlic are powerful antioxidants which we consume daily. The antioxidants increase in potency if after chopping and mincing you wait 10 minutes before cooking.Courtesy of Kathy C. Tags: asparagus, garlic, scallions, spinach Read more articles Previous PostRestaurant-Style Dipping Sauce Next PostSpring Onion Ravioli with Spinach & Strawberry on the Side You Might Also Like Snap peas and sesame seeds pasta bowl June 10, 2014 Beet Breakfast Smooothie September 6, 2024 October 15 produce and 30min of your time (not counting cooking time:) October 16, 2013