The art of freezing veggies

We all know that fresh is best. Because of busy life, I have, however, developed the philosophy that made from scratch at home from freshly frozen ingredients in better than eating out/eating processed.

All raw veggies I have extra of I clean, chop and freeze and then use for cooking.I do not pre-cook (blanch)

What I freeze and then cook with:

All leafy greens (even salad) freeze great (this year we had more lettuce than we can eat so I chopped it/ froze it and used it as any other greens in a soup, worked out great!)

Squash-you can shred raw (more difficult) and freeze or you can cook (bake/boil/core) and freeze

Onions,carrots and peppers-I chop in small pieces so they are ready to use (minimizes cooking time significantly). I use chopper below,if you have kids ages 5 and above you can put them on the job

Parsley and dill (I buy 10 + bunches if I happen to find on sale)- wash, pat dry and chop; keeps well for months

Cauliflower,cabbage and broccoli- wash, chop, freeze

Cooked veggies/meals-if there are eggs, potatoes, rice or pasta in the cooked dish, I do no freeze. Mostly everything else works well (including dishes with various grains like quinoa, kamut, farro)