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Thai Pumpkin Soup with Curried Pumpkin Seeds--so delicious!

Thai Pumpkin Soup with Curried Pumpkin Seeds

Thai Pumpkin Soup with Curried Pumpkin Seeds--so delicious!
Thai Pumpkin Soup with Curried Pumpkin Seeds–so delicious!

This soup recipe begins with fresh-made pumpkin puree from a Fair Ridge Farms’ pumpkin. You can roast an entire pumpkin and use in a variety of recipes, such as in soups, breads, pancakes, pies, etc, or freeze some for later use.

To roast and puree fresh pumpkin. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut pumpkin in half or in quarters; remove seeds to save for later. Place pumpkin   flesh-side down on a baking sheet. Roast for 30 minutes to an hour, or until the skin is soft to the touch. Let cool. Remove flesh from pumpkin and place in a large bowl. Mash or puree in a food processor.

This soup is so easy to make! It is based on this recipe found on

Thai Pumpkin Soup with Curried Pumpkin Seeds


2 tbs red curry paste

1/2 hot red pepper, finely chopped

4 cups chicken or veggie stock

32 oz, or about 4 cups of fresh pumpkin puree

1 13.5 oz can of coconut mulk

Cilantro and/or pumpkin seeds to garnish

To prepare soup, heat a soup pan to medium heat and add curry paste and hot pepper, stir and heat thoroughy until fragrant. Add stock and pumpkin. Heat until soup begins to boil. Then add coconut milk and cook for three minutes or so, until soup is hot.

Curried Pumpkin Seeds

These seeds are great on their own as a snack or served with this soup.

To prepare, clean seeds. The, boil 2-4 cups of water with 1 teaspoon of salt, and add seeds. Boil seeds for ten minutes. Drain and place on a paper towel-covered cookie sheet or plate until dry. Heat oven to 400 degrees. Toss seeds with olive or coconut oil, curry powder, and a little salt. Bake for 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally. Be careful, they will start to pop! I assume this means they are ready.


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