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Summertime Vegetable Quiche

quicheA quiche is a wonderful way to prepare fresh vegetables and Fair Ridge Farms’ eggs for a nice brunch or dinner. You can vary the recipe to include any vegetables you wish and add other items like cheese, ham, or bacon. Making the contents for the quiche is easy, but the crust may be a little harder to make, so buying a store-bought crust might be easier.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

For crust: I use the Joy of Cooking’s recipe for basic pie crust. It turns out well. Here is a link to a version of the recipe that calls for all butter, rather than butter and shortening, which is called for in the cookbook. You can also use a pre-cooked crust.

Brush the pie crust with egg yoke and prebake for 10 minutes.

Heat the oven to 400 degrees.

Filling ingredients:

2 plus cups of vegetables: use a variety of what you have on hand. I recommend lightly sauteing the vegetables (even tomatoes) to get rid of excess water.

Cheese, optional

milk: 1 1/2 cup whole milk, or 1 cup cream, 1/2 cup milk

3 large eggs

dash of nutmeg, salt, and pepper to taste.

Saute vegetables over medium heat in butter or olive oil. I sauteed onions, garlic, and bell pepper in butter for five minutes, adding salt and pepper. I then added beet greens (though other good options include kale, chard, and spinach). Put the vegetables in the pre-baked pie crust.  In my variation, I grated Parmesan cheese on top of the vegetables.

I then sauteed chopped, seeded tomatoes for a couple of minutes. Add the tomatoes on top of the other ingredients in the pie dish. Top with a bit more cheese.

Then mix together the milk, eggs, and nutmeg, and pour over the vegetable dish. If you need more liquid, add one egg per half cup of milk.

Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until set.

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