Kale spagetti with broccoli

broccoli and kale spagetti

  1. Chop kale/greens into small pieces; wash
  2. Add kale to spagetti while they boil.You can sneak in chopped carrots/ peas/ tomatoes.
  3. When spagetti are done, drain and add a little bit of butter and your favorite sauce (we use plain feta cheese or a mix of shredded cheeses)

Green leafy veggies (and canned beans/corn) can be added also to rice while it cooks (regular slow cooking rice).

Broccoli- wash,cut into florets,mix well with 1-3 tbsp of oil and salt to taste. Put in a dry pan on med heat and stir occasionally (3-5m; don’t overdo to keep crunchy and brighter green)