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Kale mushroom calzone with maple-roasted sweet potatoes

calzone-and-sweet-potato-e1424118512373Calzones are like pizzas to go–easy and portable and can be filled with a variety of ingredients. This week’s recipes use ingredients from the winter share. Both are baked at 425 degrees.  Serves about 4.

Maple-roasted sweet potatoes


1 large sweet potato, peeled and chopped into bite-size pieces

1/2 cup maple syrup

1/8 cup apple cider vinegar

1/4 cup water

3 tbs olive oil

salt to taste

cinnamon stick (optional)

Place all of the ingredients besides the sweet potatoes in a high-sided baking pan. Mix. Place sweet potatoes in pan and mix to coat. Cover and bake for ten minutes. Uncover, mix to coat and return to the oven. Mix liquid to coat sweet potatoes about every 10-15 minutes until liquid is thickened and coats sweet potatoes, and sweet potatoes are thoroughly cooked.

Kale-mushroom calzones 4 calzones


Whole wheat pizza dough, enough for one 12-inch pizza, divided into four equal parts. (see here. I used quick rising pizza yeast. The recipe doesn’t call for allowing the dough to rise, which makes this a quick and easy dish to prepare.)

1 bunch kale

3-4  portabella mushrooms

marinara or pizza sauce

shredded mozerella cheese

olive oil

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Saute chopped mushrooms and kale in olive oil over medium heat. Set aside.

Roll one portion of the dough int a thin circle on a floured surface. Brush with olive oil. Fill the middle of the circle with sauce, cheese, and veggies. Fold the dough over in a semi-circle to contain the filling. Press edges down with a fork. Brush top with olive oil. Place the four calzones on a baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes. Enjoy!

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