How to.. (Nov 12th produce)


Broccoli-dry pan (1/2 for dinner; the other 1/2 for lunch today)

All spinach; ½ mustard greens and ½ kale- soup with chick peas and farro

The remaining greens- washed,cut,froze

Cauliflower – it looked too good to be cooked, so I washed it and split it between me and the kids for lunch today, will eat plain and raw

All beets and turnips- washed, peeled, cut and roasted them with some oil and salt (turned out very pretty and yummy)

I used the oven to bake the spaghetti squash and leftover acorn squash from last week. I scooped the core and put in the fridge for now; will make pumpkin muffins later in the week

Cabbage-will use over the weekend to make okonomiyaki

Rhubarb and huckleberries- gave to a friend