Garden fresh grilled pizza


My goal this week is to use every item in the box. For dinner last night I fired up the grill and thought pizza!  First I brushed some refrigerated Pillsbury pizza dough with seasoned olive oil. I placed it on the hot grill oil side down. After it was browned with nice grill marks I oiled the top side and flipped it over. I brushed seasoned olive oil on the browned dough and then set out with my “boxed toppings”. The kale, tomato, broccoli and chopped garlic scapes were all in the 6/16 box. After all the veggies were listed on top I placed done fresh mozzarella in top along with mixed herbs from my garden. A little salt, pepper and crushed red paper flakes made this pizza a new family favorite!

Recipe and pic courtesy of CSA member Melissa