Easy Cheesy Zucchini Bake with Roasted Red/New Potatoes and Steamed Broccoli

 potatoes and broccoli
Easy Cheesy Zucchini Bake
2 zucchini, cut in slices or half-moon slices
1 gold zucchini, cut in slices or half-moon slices
2 yellow squash, cut in slices or half-moon slices
1-2 handful thinly sliced green onions (1-3 green onions)
3/4 tsp. garlic powder
1 TBSP. dried basil
1/2 cup + 1/2 cup Shredded pizza cheese
Sea Salt and Croase Black Pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350F. Spray an 8″ x 8″ baking dish with non-stick spray. Wash the squash and cut in slices or half-moon slices. Thinly slice green onions. Combine the sliced squash, sliced green onions, garlic powder, basil and cheese until the veggies are coated. Season with sea salt and croase black pepper. Put the mixture in the baking dish and bake uncovered for about 25-30 minutes. After 25-30 minutes, sprinkle last half of cheese and bake 10-15 minutes longer, or until the cheese is melted or browned lightly and zucchini is done cooked.
Roasted Red/New Potatoes
5 Red Potatoes, washed and diced.
5 New Potatoes, washed and diced.
1/2 Green Pepper, seeded and diced.
1-2 TBSP olive oil.
Sea salt and crease black pepper to taste.
Preheat the oven to 400F. Spray an medium cookie sheet with non-stick spray. Combine all ingredients together in a bowl. Spread the mixture onto the cookie sheet, spread them evenly. Bake for 30-40 minutes.
Steamed Broccoli
A head of broccoli, cut into forets.
Sea salt and crease black pepper to taste if wanted. 
In a large steamer pot (I used one from Pampered Chef), put in broccoli forets and add 1-2 TBSP of water. Cover. Microwave for 4-6 minutes, depending on your microwave. Drain excess water.

It was fantastic dinner, my 2 years old ate everything off of his plate! My 4 years old is trying to learn to like veggies but he did took some good bites. 🙂 oh, we also served this dinner along with our raw milk from Scott! Yum

Recipe and pic courtesy of CSA member Alexis