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Indian Style Pickles

1 quart pickling cucumbers
1/2 tsp black cumin seeds, (if you don’t have black cumin just use regular cumin)
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp yellow mustard seeds
1/2 tsp ground tumeric
2 dried chilies
1 (1-in) piece ginger, peeled
2 Tbsp pickling salt
Clean and sanitize a 1 quart mason jar.  Wash the cucumbers and cut off the blossom ends.
Pack the cumin seeds, mustard seeds, chilies, ginger and tumeric into a 1 quart jar followed by the cucumbers.  
Mix the 2 Tbsp of pickling salt with 3 cups of water and pour resulting bring over pickles.
Use a weight and keep the cucumbers submerged (using remaining brine).
After a day or two, bubbles should begin to form and ris in the jar, signaling fermentation.  Skim off any surface scum, making sure to rinse off the weight as well.  Repack teh weight into the jar and continue fermentation.
The pickles will be ready in 2 to 3 weeks.  Test them at about 2 weeks by removing a pickle (use a clean utensil) and cut off a small piece for a taste before returning it.  If it’s tasty, it’s done.  Otherwise, you can continue to ferment for up to another week.
When fermentation is done, discard the brine bag.  Cap the jar with a nonreactive lid and transfer to the refrigerator where the pickles will keep for about a month.