Capresé Romaine Wraps

Using the leaves,from the romaine in the share, I washed and separated. Then I lightly sprinkled with salt and pepper after they were dry. I used one of the beautiful tomatoes from the share and sliced to desired thickness. After sliced I lightly seasoned with salt and pepper. No Caprese is complete with out fresh mozzarella from your local market. If you do not have a local market SAMs Club sells a 2 pk pre-cut log for under $10. The onion slices came from what I had on hand and the basil fresh from my garden.
A quick blend of olive oil and balsamic vinegar seasoned with salt, lemon zest, chopped basil & lemon thyme (or any fresh herbs) complete the wrap when brushed on the romaine leaf prior to building.

Recipe and picture courtesy of CSA member Melissa