Will make several meals. 2-3 different soups plus a stir fry etc.
Cabbage and potato groups with caraway and ham. Serves 8.
A large head of cabbage like the one that showed up in box on 9/28/22
2 tbs olive oil
2 small onions sliced. I used a medium one. from a previous box
3 cups shredded cabbage
6 garlic cloves halved
4 potatoes, floury best. I used a combination of
taters from previous boxes
1 tsp caraway seeds
1 tsp salt
5 cups water
Vegetarian method. I added vegan ham broth powder, available on Amazon. Also, added a little Morningstar Farms vegetarian chorizo. sausage.
1. Heat oil in soup pot, add onions and cook 4-5 mins on med low. Add garlic and cabbage and cook over low for 10 mins stirring occasionally.
2. Add taters, caraway seeds, salt and water. Bring to a boil, then simmer until tender.
Add ham, sausage or choice of meat if using.
Play around with it to your liking.