Beet Risotto

3 C. chicken or vege stock 1 I/2 C. raw diced beets
4 Tbsp. butter
1 large shallot, diced 1/3 C. grated Parmesan
3/4 C. Arborio rice salt and pepper to taste
1/4 C. white wine

1. Bring stock to a boil. Keep hot while making the risotto.
2. Heat pan over med.- high heat. Add half the butter. When it is melted, add shallots, and sweat for 2 minutes. Add rice, stirring to make sure each grain is coated in butter.
3. Add wine to the pan. When the rice has absorbed the wine, add1/2 C. of the stock and the beets. Gently stir to make sure nothing is sticking to bottom of pan. Add 1/2 C. remaining liquid. Cook rice, uncovered and without stirring, until most of the liquid is absorbed. Add remaining liquid, 1/2 C. at a time, and continue cooking in the same method.
4. Test risotto to ensure that it is cooked almost completely. If not add more hot water and continue cooking. Otherwise, season with salt and pepper. Stir in parmesan and butter

Recipe courtesy of CSA member Dawn