OPEN HOUSE JUNE 14th (members only)

June 14th, four of the farms of Fair Ridge will be open for member visits.  This will be a simple open house focused on showing members where and how the food is grown.
This year will feature three different farms from last year.  Visitors will drive between the farms this year.  We will not be having a potluck this year.
If you are interested in bringing a large group children for an “educational day”, email us and we can arrange a seperate date for that type of visit.
10am:  7066 Fair Ridge Rd, Hillsboro Ohio 45133  Visit Adam Batson’s small farm and learn about overall CSA operation.
10:45am  Drive @ one mile to Joe Habeggar’s medium sized farm.  Learn about heated hoophouses, and also celery and berries.
12noon  Drive @two miles to Mark Troyer’s medium/large farm.  Tell Mark what you’d like to see the CSA grow.  See Mark’s large vegetable operation.
1:30pm  Drive @ two miles to Omar Zimmerman’s large farm.  See where the early tomatoes come from.  A half mile walk should bring you to the horse-powered treadmill pumping water in the field.  We should have reusable vegetable bags to give away at Omar’s.
3pm Open House ends.

RSVP required.  Email farmfresh@fairridgefarms with how many you will be bringing.
PRIVATE, CSA MEMBERS ONLY (guests of members must be accompanied by the member).
ABSOLUTELY NO PHOTOS WITHOUT FIRST ASKING (most of the farm families are religiously conservative and do not allow photographs of themselves, photographs of animals and vegetables are fine tho still ask before photographing)
We realize this is not an extravagant open house, and if things go well we may try to have a nicer one in the fall of the year.