June 3rd 2014

OPEN HOUSE: At least 3 farms will be open June 14th, prolly 11am-2pm or so.  Addresses and exact times will be updated later this week in the Farmblog.  Sorry for the delay.  This will be a fairly simple open house, a little different than the 2013 Open House, with two or more different farms participating this year.

WEBSTORE:  Add-ons are available in the webstore.  Click on “Webstore” in the top right of your account page to view the webstore.  Strawberries and much more are currently available in the Webstore.

NEW DROP POINTS:  Watch for new drop points that may be more convenient for you,  Several have been added this year.  The most recent being Montgomery, Anderson, and Eastgate.  Start a drop point at your work place!!  We will work with you to start a workplace drop off.

Return your boxes (carefully collapse flat, do not rip), clean egg cartons and clean clamshell containers.  Please neatly nest egg cartons and clamshells inside one another.

To keep overhead cost out of the box, please make changes to your account yourself.  Such as schedule changes, delivery holds, email changes, box size changes, drop location changes, etc.