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BAKESHARE now available

Just in time for Winter and cooler weather!  Bakeshare is now available for order (order via email).  Weekly or bi-weekly delivery available.
(sample full share photo below)
BAKE Share Plan:$15 per delivery  BAKE Halfshare Plan $10 per delivery   z Sample Bakeshare

The Bakeshare is a standalone share (in other words you do not need to receive a produce box  to receive the Bakeshare)  Produce boxes will prolly be once a month or so during winter.

Baked by Emily in her parents’ home, located near Fair Ridge in southern Highland County Ohio.
“We offer a selection of all-natural baked goods that taste wonderful and have ingredients with names you can actually pronounce. We use fresh, 100% Whole Wheat Flour that we grind in our own home, Sucanat (SUgar CAne NATural), real salt, and more.”

BAKE SHARE PLAN (based on a 4 week/delivery rotation)

Week 1*

100% Whole Wheat Bread,** 15 oz

Granola, 1 lb

Mini Applesauce Oatmeal Bread, 6 oz

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies, 1dozen

Week 2*

Multi Seed 100% Whole Wheat Bread,** 15 oz

Granola, 1 lb

Mini Banana Bread, 6oz

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, 1 dozen

Week 3*

100% Whole Wheat Bread,** 15 oz

Granola, 1 lb

Mini Banana Bread, 6 oz

Chocolate Peppermint Cookies, 1dozen

Week 4*

Multi Seed 100% Whole Wheat Bread,** 15 oz

Granola, 1 lb

Mini Applesauce Oatmeal Bread, 6oz

Gingersnap Cookies, 1 dozen

*Unsliced by default, as it will prolong freshness, but upon request we will slice it free of charge (I must be notified at least 3 days before your cut-off date).

**Each week you have the option of substituting regular 100% Whole Wheat Bread for the 15 oz loaf, and/or substituting plain Chocolate Chip Cookies for the cookies (I must be notified at least 3 days before your cut-off date).

BAKE HALF SHARE PLAN  (based on a 4 week/delivery rotation)
(Bold weights are to help distinguish the difference between the Whole and Half Shares)

Week 1**

Applesauce Oatmeal Bread, 6 oz

Granola, 1/2 lb

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies, 1/2 dozen

Week 2**

Multi Seed 100% Whole Wheat Bread*, 15 oz

Granola, 1/2 lb

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, 1/2 dozen

Week 3**

100% Whole Wheat Bread*, 15 oz

Granola, 1/2 lb

Chocolate Peppermint Cookies, 1/2 dozen

Week 4**

Banana Bread, 6 oz

Granola, 1/2 lb

Gingersnap Cookies, 1/2 dozen

*Unsliced by default, as it will prolong freshness, but upon request we will slice it free of charge (I must be notified at least 3 days before your cut-off date).

**Each week you have the option of substituting regular 100% Whole Wheat Bread for the 15 oz loaf, and/or substituting plain Chocolate Chip Cookies for the cookies (I must be notified at least 3 days before your cut-off date).

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Adam Batson

    The granola is the best!!

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