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2015 CSA Season Updates


Aloha Good People,
Happy New Year!!  Here are updates for 2015:

  1. All produce is now Organic (2014 was pesticide free).  This has been part of my goal since 2010 when the CSA became a collaboration of other farms on Fair Ridge besides mine.  THANK YOU for making this happen!
  2. Eggs and honey prices are lower.  No items have increased in price for 2015.  In fact, all farmshare prices will drop $1 each when we reach 300 members this year (we had over 200 last year!) You are needed to refer new members!!!
  3. A new “mini” share is available. Full and half shares remain available.
  4. Delivery day is now Thursday until sometime in April when Summer Season schedules resume
  5. The website has been updated and for your convenience all operational CSA information is under the tab “CSA details” (take a few minutes now and review it to avoid problems)
  6. Members are expected to be able to view and make changes in their account, if you need help engaging your account a phone call can be scheduled to assist you.
  7. The 1.5% discount for electronic check payment has been removed.  The discount for paper check payment via the mail remains in effect and is increased to 2%
  8. Order cut-off times have been adjusted and are now even more convenient for you than Green Bean Delivery’s cut-off times.