June 3rd 2014 Fullshare

Spring Onions (pf) Green Romaine (pf) Red Romaine (pf) Red Oak Leaf Lettuce (pf) Green Summer Crisp Lettuce (pf) Red Tomatoes (pf) Cucumber (pf) Asparagus (pf) Zuchini (pf) Spinach (pf)…

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OPEN HOUSE JUNE 14th (members only)

June 14th, four of the farms of Fair Ridge will be open for member visits.  This will be a simple open house focused on showing members where and how the…

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Home made “P.F.Chang’s” quinoa lettuce wraps dinner entree

Boil 2 cups of quinoa per instructions; add  finely chopped broccoli and cauliflower half way so they can steam also. Season with salt, pepper, cumin, parsley fresh green onion (grated cheese/sour cream/chopped…

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June 3rd 2014

OPEN HOUSE: At least 3 farms will be open June 14th, prolly 11am-2pm or so.  Addresses and exact times will be updated later this week in the Farmblog.  Sorry for…

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How to – May 27th 2014 box

   Tomatoes/ asparagus/ strawberries - raw for lunch One lettuce, green onions,radishes,some asparagus,some strawberries,all the kale,1/3 spinach,some chard, 4 dates- dinner salad 2/3 spinach, chard, onions, broccoli, cauliflower-steamed and then…

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Best broccoli patties (5min prep time)

Finely chopped up broccoli- 1 or 2 eggs- bread crumbs- feta  (any other soft cheese) cheese-some oil Mix all, make patties with your wet hands, bake 400F for 15min,flip and…

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May 27th Fullshare

Strawberries (pf) or (O) Cherry Tomatoes (O) Asparagus (pf) Green Garlic (O) Spring Onions (pf) Radishes (O) Bright Lights Swiss Chard (O) Curly Kale (pf) Green Romaine (pf) Red Summer…

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May 21 Box- what to do with all the greens?

Cucumber- cut for school, divided between 2 kids Broccoli and cauliflower- dry pan to use over pasta later in the week Dinner- salad (one of many lettuces +1/2 of kale +1/2…

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May 20th Fullshare

    Cherry Tomatoes (O) Swiss Chard (pf) Curly Kale (pf) Green Romaine (pf) Red Leaf Lettuce (pf) Green Leaf Lettuce (pf) Green Garlic (O) Easter Egg Radish (O) Cucumber…

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Fresh asparagus..m-m-m good!

  Asparagus is a very versatile veggie. You can grill it, put it into soups (cold or warm), use in frittata/omlets or eat it raw. The super fresh and crunchy bunches…

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