Cooking with Sauerkraut

Raw sauerkraut is a nutritional powerhouse, full of probiotics that support healthy digestion and immunity. There are many ways to enjoy sauerkraut, one of the best as part of a…

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Wintershare 3/10/16

WINTERSHARE   100% vegan Spinach Spaghetti Squash Green Garlic Spicy Sauerkraut Herb Buns (our local grown herbs) Potato Chips (our local grown potatoes)

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Wintershare 2/25/16

WINTERSHARE     100% vegan Spinach 1/2 pound Turnips Butternut Squash Dried Apples Dried Thyme Tomato and Basil Bread (our tomato, basil, and oregano) Maple Syrup Pretzels (our maple syrup) warm these…

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Chicken Gumbo with Cornbread

This is a great winter dish that can really spice up cold evenings. It is a labor of love, but worth the effort. To prepare, first roast a chicken or…

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Wintershare 2/11/16

WINTERSHARE   100% vegan Multi-Grain Bread (our cornmeal and molasses) 1.5lb loaf Potato Chips (our potatoes) 7oz Sauerkraut (all our ingredients) 1pt Alfalfa Sprouts 1pt Kennebec Potatoes 2-3lbs Butternut Squash…

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Read more about the article Winter Potato and Turnip Dal
Winter Dal with Potatoes and Turnips

Winter Potato and Turnip Dal

This recipe is based on one I found in Eating Well magazine a couple of years ago. It has become a winter staple--it is easy and relatively quick. Dal refers…

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Wintershare 1/28/16

Dried African Cow Peas (25%protein) Head of Lettuce Quart of Tomato Juice Pint of Canned Sauerkraut Pint of Pickled Sweet Banana Rings Kennebec Potatoes Golden Globe Turnip all items made from…

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Wintershare 1/14/16

Dried Apple Snitz  1/4lb Dried Celery Leaves 1oz Apple Cider Vinegar w/Mother Cantaloupe Jam Tomato Juice Lettuce Kale Green Onions Turnip All items are made with our organically grown produce.

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Wintershare 12/31/15

Beets w/tops Rutabaga Lettuce Head Baking Pumpkin Chard Kale Green Onions Pear Butter (preserves) Spicy Sauerkraut (our cabbage, carrots, and peppers)

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