Halfshare 9/30/20
Tian Provencal....or maybe almost? Our second try at Tian. Baked sliced veggies spaced/overlapped on pizza pans with oil and seasoning.Placed in warm ironware, added tomatoes, fresh Basil&Thyme, and grated Jungle…
SIlverKingCorn, Tomatoes, Gala Apples, Cucumber, Cantaloupe, White Potatoes, Zucchini, Kale, Sweet Onion...#gardengram422
Silver King Korn, Honey Crisp Apples, Roma Tomatoes, Artisanal Tomato, Mix, Basil, Sugar Cube Cantaloupe, Yellow Squash, Green Bell PepperPhoto courtesy: #gardengram422
Peaches, Apples, Roma Tomatoes, Yellow Tomatoes, Green Bell Peppers, Green Beans, Kale, Red Onion, Carnivale Squash, Cucumberphoto courtesy #kandfliving
Heirloom Tomatoes, Sweet Corn, Sugar Cube Cantaloupe, Green Beans, Red Italian Sweet Peppers, Kale, Eggplant~ photo courtesy #kandfliving
Heirloom Tomatoes, Beet w/top, Sweet Corn, Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Picklers, Bell Pepper, Kale
Yellow Doll Watermelon, Sugar Cube Canataloupe, Ground Cherries, Heirloom Tomatoes, Okra, Sweet Onion, Kale, Cayenne,Green Bell Pepper