Halfshare 8/11/21
Watermelon, Sugar Cube Cantaloupe, Basil, Red and Yellow Tomatoes, Colored Bell Peppers, Sweet Corn, Asian Eggplantphoto courtesy #gardengram422
Watermelon, Sugar Cube Cantaloupe, Basil, Red and Yellow Tomatoes, Colored Bell Peppers, Sweet Corn, Asian Eggplantphoto courtesy #gardengram422
Sugar Baby Watermelon, Sugar Cube Cantaloupe, White Patty Pan Squash, Sweet Corn, Red Yellow and Heirloom Tomatoes, Sweet Banana Peppers, Rainbow Chard, Green Beans, White EggplantPhoto courtesy #Gardengram422
Sugar Baby Watermelon, Red and Green and Purple Bell Peppers, Red and Yellow and Heirloom Tomatoes, Kale, Sweet Corn, Red and White Potatoes, Sweet CornPhoto courtesy of CSA member: #gardengram422
Sweet Corn, Sweet Onion, Swiss Chard, Asian Eggplant, Green Bell Pepper, White Potatoes, Sweet Banana Peppers, White Potatoes, Green Beans, Red and Yellow Tomatoes
Sweet Corn, White Eggplant, Cucumbers, Sweet Onion, Red Potatoes, Green Beans, Kale, Red and Yellow Tomatoes, Zucchini, Yellow Squash photo credit: #gardengram422
Blueberries, Basil, Tomatoes, Eggplant, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Green Pepper, Sweet Onion, Green Beans
Red Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Sweet Onions, Broccoli, Red Potatoes, Lettuce, Zucchini, Yellow SquashPhoto courtesy of CSA Member #gardengram422
Best ever recipe for strawberries:Stem and slice berries into bowl, then sprinkle with handful of chopped basil, a little sugar and pour on real aged balsamico which is expensive but…
Small Cucumbers, Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Cabbage, Small Bell Peppers, Small Kale, Yellow Squash, Sweet Onion, TomatoesPHOTO courtesy of #gardengram422
Broccoli, Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Romaine, Leaf Lettuce, Cabbage, Kalephoto courtesy of #gardengram422